The problem with problems


We are in a critical period where there are problems in every direction – health, family, economic, sexual and numerous other problems, all stress-related. Even suicide has increased dramatically. Problems, problems, everywhere!

Problems are gates to change. When a problem arises, it is an opportunity for change and it has the potential to give you solutions, bring out new ideas, wisdom and hidden gifts. Problems have the potential to increase your general capacity for problem solving. They allow us to dig deeper, spiritually speaking, and increase our trust in God. Oftentimes, however, the problem is not really the problem. The problem with problems lies in how we deal with our problems.

Problems can create new relationships (I Samuel 17: 57-58) and there is always something within your surroundings – regardless of how small it may be – that can help you out of your problems. In II Kings 4, the creditors were coming to collect from the widow. But because she followed God’s instructions, the small bottle of oil she had causes her to move from total indebtedness to total debt freedom. There is something that you have that can take you out of your situation – out of poverty and cause you to become a major shareholder!

Without problems to solve you would not have a salary to get. Certain professions would not exist. People excel when they solve problems. What sometimes seems like a major problem is oftentimes what God uses to promote you. The more problems exist, the greater the needs are for solutions. Solutions take us out of poverty.

Further to all this, problems develop your leadership skills and expose those around you with wrong motives. When problems cease to exist, your services are no longer required.

Interestingly, credit unions have always made efforts to solve problems for the poor. So any administration that chooses to put unfair measures in place in the credit unions is creating more economic problems that the nation and that administration can do without.

Now, not to be forgotten is the fact that some people will create problems in order to bring their solutions with hidden motives. We need some people who are willing to solve problems they did not create.

Dealing With Problems

When problems arise:

● Recognise and accept that the problem that you face is a clue to the problems you were created to solve.

● Begin to look around your life, your community and your nation and look at the problems that exist, then begin to dig deep for the solutions.

● Remember that the reward you decide to receive determines the problem you decide to solve. For example, David rose to power because there were political and economic problems. The politicians in those days did not know how to deal with giants.

● Use them as a stepping stone for change and promotion rather than allowing it to overwhelm you. Always have a positive attitude when problems arise and use it as a golden connection and for networking.

● Remember, solving problems opens doors to uncommon leaders (Daniel 1: 19-20) and it also determines the quality of leaders that pursue you.

● Cast them to Jesus and He will take it and give you the solutions. (I Peter 5: 7)

● Never try to solve your problems with alcohol, drugs, adultery, gambling, crime or promiscuity – these are not problem solvers, they are problem makers.

● Faith and trust in God and a wholehearted acceptance of His principles can solve most if not all your problems.

Problems create new jobs. For example, when there is a natural disaster, the need arises for more construction workers, more labourers, increased police presence, and more food distribution and manufacturing activities, and personnel. You will also need more counsellors and liaisons to gather, collate and disseminate information in order to make good decisions that will benefit all involved.

The Next Big Problem

The next big problem we are about to see is the environmental problem, contamination of food, toxic substances that have been and continue to be released in the earth, and so on. Are we ready to solve these problems?

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