April 5, 2020

Through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson and Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio.

  1. There will be great suffering ahead as the plague comes to a close and we are about to start an economic reset.  It is going to be a very delicate and dangerous period.  Both nations and individuals must exercise extreme divine wisdom on how to transition during that period. 
  • The wealth of many of those who died in the midst of the Coronavirus situation will not be accounted for, because many of them did not disclose the whereabouts of their resources to their loved ones before they passed.  We must pray that the enemy doesn’t get it. 
  • Oil will become scarce and there will be a global shortage.  This will cause hardship, price increase and possibly war.  We must pray for all the oil-wealthy countries, particularly those in the Caribbean and South America.
  • We must pray that the agenda of the billionaires pushing for a tracking vaccine will not come to fruition.  The Lord says that because of pride, many billionaires globally will lose their way.  The Lord will bring their plans to naught. 
  • A deception is coming upon the entire globe and we need to fast and pray against this subtle deception.  God is calling the saints to come before Him like Esther and cry out like never before.
  • God is calling the saints to get into a new wave of prayer and fasting.  The Enemy of Souls, wants to strike.  Each time you are fasting wear white.  God is also calling the saints wherever they are globally to anoint towns and their capitals with consecrated oil as a sign of protection and direction.
  • A great division will arise in many ministries globally.  Leaders should be aware, get into fasting, change their strategies and plans, and speak the truth.  This is a plan that will be orchestrated from the corporate world, to bring down the church.  This is a year of prayer!
  • God wants His people to store food and water as starvation looms. Use purified water. 
  • We must also pray and watch Germany.  There are going to be many evil plans that will be unleashed globally, but as we wake up, watch, fast and pray, God will open the eyes of His people, because the enemy’s plans will be hard to detect. 
  1. We must pray for all newborns and pregnant mothers.  They will have a hard time, based on the plans of the enemy.  There is a massive sword stretched over the universe.  World leaders should watch out for outbreaks of all kinds of diseases worldwide.
  1. Mass destruction by fire because of a lack of water will occur globally.  There is a plot to destroy many bridges.  God is saying to His people, “Why do you turn aside from God?  Why do you continue to do the things you were warned not to do?  Many have been weighed in the balance and have been found wanting.”
  1. Pray that Jamaica repents.  God has been speaking to many leaders of government, opposition and the Private Sector to turn from the direction they are going.  Many have signed deals which will bring great suffering upon the people.  Unless there is genuine repentance, the country may get hit because many in the nation have blasphemed the name of the Lord and have turned to other gods.  This may cause over 10,000 to die.
  1. God is calling on the global Heads of Government to repent.  Many have gone into covenants with the enemy for resources.  (Revelation 13).  But, many will be removed.  It will be too late for many, and they will stand before God; and the blood of the people will be upon their hands.
  1. The Spirit of the Lord says the time is near for His people to make some serious decisions showing whose side they are on, whether they are on His side or on the devil’s side.
  1. Pray for the people in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  1. Pray for the children and the elderly all over the world who are not yet saved that they will heed the voice of the Lord and be delivered from bondage.
  1. Pray for all the Pharaoh’s that they will let God’s people go.
  1. Pray against the spirits of Herod, Haman, Vashti, Orpah that they will bow completely to the Holy Spirit.
  1. The Spirit of the Lord is imploring all of His True watchmen to stay on the wall and pray; and to be focused always on the Lord.
  • Pray that all the Heads of Government will listen to the voice of God, repent and follow His instructions.
  • 2 Chronicles 7: 14 – “If My people who are called by My name, would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked way, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.”  “There are many who are losing their way because of the spirit of pride and rebellion and will not humble themselves before Me.  I am a Holy God and My coming is at hand!” says the Lord God Almighty.