April 12, 2020 (Resurrection Sunday)

Given through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston and Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson

The Lord says the truth of the virus will be revealed in due time.  The saints should not get weary, everything will be made plain in due season by the Holy Spirit.

The Lord says His people should pray as never before, as there is a group rising up to come after the true Prophets of God; because the evil ones are afraid that their evil deeds will be exposed.

They are troubled in their minds, wondering if their plan will fail.  It will fail.  God is angry with the wicked every day.  (Psalm 7: 11)

The Lord says ALL His people need to obey their leaders and those set over them.  (Hebrews 13: 17).

We are in a time that God is calling every one of us to examine ourselves daily, repent and do deep soul-searching, weekly prayer and fasting, because He is calling His people to a closer walk. 

A well-known prophet will make an announcement which will be false, but as believers, you must pray and discern in this season – we are in a time of deception.  “Watch and pray”, says the Lord.  Pray for our relatives to be saved, and pray that Christians will be faithful to God’s will.

Prepare for a great harvest.  Many will come home to the Lord.  He will also confirm His word with many signs, wonders and miracles.

We must pray for the population of the African nations and all nations with large populations.

Pray against a major jet crash.  Pray that airlines will properly service their fleet.  Pray also against sabotage.

As the pandemic comes to an end, things will become dangerous, especially within the airline industry. 

God says He shall deal with those who have scorned His word and have treated His people and His creation with disdain and disregard.  He is calling people to repent as long as they are in the land of the living.

The Lord says He is calling His people to seek Him for the Holy Spirit – to be filled and to be baptized.

There will be a great outbreak of skin diseases, as well as eye and lung diseases.  This will be worse than the Coronavirus pandemic.  Also, the communications systems will experience significant glitches and crashes. 

There will be a great oil shortage and oil prices will skyrocket as most countries are not truthful regarding their oil situation.

The Lord says pray for the United States of America as great deception looms.