The Year of Gimmel, The Releasing of The Mimshach Anointing
Given through Apostle Steve Lyston, Pastor Michelle Lyston, Bishop Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet O. Onesta Jolly.
and these are in the forms of money laundering among politicians, issuing of illegal guns to civilians; namely gunmen, pimping of young boys and girls (sex trafficking), sale of narcotics to drug lords and other people within their constituents, as well as identity theft. Greater exposure is coming, after which such individuals will be dealt with.
quickly because this has led to crime and violence, especially involving innocent people.
individuals and companies will not receive their funds as requested, so the customers have to stand the losses.
has killed sea life. Pray that the perpetrators be caught and dealt with.
which will cause a great death toll unless nations repent. They also need to relocate people from living close to the ocean. Pray for Yemen, Pakistan, Egypt, Jamaica, China, Barbados, Dominica. The Lord is waking up the nations.
harassment of tourists in diverse places, as well as the different viruses that have been widely spread throughout the nation.
community, especially within hotels. This has affected the younger generation in the form of deception, concerning their emotions and mental capacity. The Lord is not pleased and they will be held accountable.
being seen as the victims, while the culprits get away and are untouchable. The crime is about gender, sexual rights, drugs, maintenance of power, and witchcraft. Our nation has become a trans-shipment for other countries because of the covenant our nation has entered. Our borders and our communication system has been compromised at the highest level and no one is safe.
the are issuing the same guns to the people, but God sees all things and everything will be exposed. We also need to pray against the wrong person having the Security portfolio. If not, there will be serious death and destruction.
occurring ahead. (Remember 2 Chronicles 7: 14)
businesses will go bankrupt.
insurance, tax evasion, grants. There will be a shaking and uncovering of all these things among the elite and the untouchables.
price increases. We must pray for the poor.
so long. The Lord is about to uproot and the people will see the truth. Many have given out guns and chicken back to carry out crime.
their plans in Jamaica; the government will be a rubber stamp, and the government will realize they were deceived. Jamaica House will get the word and realize when it is too late.
of gunmen have risen up from that area. There are many briefcase exchanges.
to shock the churches. There are things he is going to bring in – political connections.
government’s side, and one in particular will not be around for long. Many in the party fear these persons because they are stone-cold murderers.
I saw the sea in Jamaica and the water started stirring with a rage and the waves rose into the air.
Opposition. Unless the nation goes into prayer and fasting, there is going to be continued and great chaos, confusion and death. REPENT AND PRAY.
These Prophecies given are for 2023 onward. God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals. Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9. Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3). He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).
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