The Year of Gimmel, The Releasing of The Mimshach Anointing
Given through Apostle Steve Lyston, Pastor Michelle Lyston, Bishop Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet O. Onesta Jolly.
Haiti many are dying and suffering. We must be compassionate. This will also affect other countries in the region. We must also pray against the devastation that is headed toward Trinidad & Tobago, and Barbados.
spiritually and that is helps us to discern right from wrong, because He speaks to us while we are hearing what others say, for He is guiding us to the truth at all times. But there’s some of us who have become a hindrance, because we have turned our ears aside from the truth, and waste time listening to garbage that DEFILES US! It is with our ear that when we pray, our expectation is that God is hearing our prayers, but for this to happen we must live HOLY. Helps us to be obedient to the voice of God because we are heading now to the RAPTURE. The TRUMPET is about to sound, and we will only hear it from our SPIRITUAL EARS. With the use of the ear the wise seeks knowledge”. The Lord is also dealing with Redemption, Resurrection, Divine Completeness, The Trinity (The God Head) and evaluating our fitness for the battle. We have taken for granted as God’s people that the Lord awakens our ear every morning to hear what He is expecting of us to do and to say. At this point God. At this point, God is expecting us to have our minds, hearts, words (mouth) and ears to be in tuned with them. We must also put our entire trust in Him that He will continue to persevere us and that we do not grieve Him.
an agenda to use them in a massive way as never before. Pray for all Saudi Airlines and officials including the prince. Pray against attacks and the breaking down of relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. The USA needs to be on high alert against terrorism in 2023.
and Royals worldwide for 2023.
have kidnapped, raped, murdered and deceived with the LGBTQ Agendas.
trouble. There are secrets that are about to be revealed.
number 1 Royal Throne. Ahab needs to see Jezebel for what she is.
Switzerland and England. Pray for Prince and Princess of Sussex because their lives are in danger.
knows that many of the secular entertainers are about to hear some truths that will make them want to fight to be released from his grip. He has a plan to attack many of them with major health issues, significant losses, serious family issues – double lives. Many of them will be called into accountability and some level of exposure of the hidden evil deeds will be brought to light. The Lord is purging the Entertainment Industry.
Christ because He is exposing more of the hirelings to make an example of them.
professions because some have been complaining about their salaries because they are not enough to take care of their families.
for Kanye West. Now is the time for the Church to genuinely help/mentor him.
and all the airlines, Spain, Trinidad and there will be great crises in England and those nations.
evangelism. All eyes will be on Jerusalem and Israel. It’s a time of rebuilding.
Jezebel in the year 2023.
focus will be on the Middle East especially Palestine. Pray against the two state crises and a false peace and deception. Pray for the 23rd state in the USA.
great damage.
globally that is planning to take over the world. Pray for the French Prime Minister’s health and the USA President’s health.
with families who genuinely care for them.
cases of money to do evil but God has seen them and He has taken note.
are saved will protected. Many will be shaking and hiding, seeking hiding place. There will be no one to help each other. Many will be looking for refuge even animals will be shaking and shivering. There will be weeping and wailing. Only the true believers will escape the wrath of God. No scientist will be able to define such terrible visitation coming on the earth. No government will be able to control it. Many will want to seek help from the Lord, but it may be too late. The reason for this is that they have despised and turn their back on the Lord and refuse to repent. All believers will know it is a divine visitation and many will believe it is the rapture. A great fall is coming for Russia. War and civil war will break out internally.
says it is time for him to be saved and to fulfill His mandate. He is called to be a Pastor and a Teacher of the youth and to help the families that are suffering by building homes for them. As he obeys the Lord He will use him mightily especially in sports. Pray also for Shaquille O’neal, Kevin Durrant, Charles Barkley and entire NBA unit because there are shakings ahead.
for service. God said that the prophetic word of God will be so important in the end times. Those who obey will be blessed. But there are many who will regret and weep because they refuse to listen. But the Lord says my word will come to past. They live sinful lives and refuse to repent. But 5783/2023 will be the year of the just.
nation that will not go over well with the people.
among the KKK. Distributions are from a prominent agency. They are weapons that the army uses.
sun, but there are some new developments that are coming which will let man’s ears tingle and persons will become very afraid and yet others will become more depraved.
planning a spiritual Babel and I am ready to deal with them. Therefore, do not be surprised when you heard of an increase in death, sickness, and new cases of war. Some countries will experience great civil wars/ There will be strange occurrences of sacrifices. this is being played out as it is written in the last days
much will change. some are saying this is just a part of life. I am going to take off their blinders at the end of 2023.
many of you have ignored them. It is as in the days of Noah, my servant. You will go about ignoring the warnings and the signs. it is not my will for losing souls but so many will be lost. I need my children to understand the season and move in and minister to the lost…. as time is drawing in quickly.
because of the suffering in this world. My time is not your time. have you ever thought that instead of focusing on the suffering, you should be focused on what you need to do in this end. time.
this, scientists have been developing alternative food, but even this is tampered with.
solar system will be greatly affected. it has started, but it is being held in secret. Some of you will not believe until it is too late.
but you will witness my calling home many who are the corner stone of the Kingdom on earth. It is time for the Joshua to come forward and take authority and command.
earth and the process of life and death. So, I shall come upon them and in their midst I will cause confusion and disagreement.
sabotage. Pray for all the entertainers, reality show hosts including RF, KK, BKC.
entertainment. Pray for Christian media that God will protect and give resources to reach souls. Prayer for more true Christian media to arise. Pray for new Christian tech and social media companies.
Canada and the church must pray for God to bring a change and revival. Pray for against abortion that’s on the rise like never before.
are trying to find ways to combat it without God but only Christ can fill that void. There is a great need for the church to setup counseling and deliverance centers to deal with the crisis that’s about to unfold.
Christ. God wants to use him to do great things beyond his imagination but must forsake traditions and man.
have become complacent. They are in trouble with the Lord, and great danger lies ahead but they don’t know it. Furthermore, the spirit of Apostasy has taking over. Many leaders have compromised. “Repent and turn! Pray for a revival. We must pray for the hearts of the people of America the turn to God. There is trouble ahead.
and mixing new age principles with His word. He is calling the Church back to His Word and His principles. He wants His people to walk away from the ancient demonic traditions. He says “Come out from among them!”
pressures. The devil wants to corrupt and shut down these schools but don’t give up says the lord I will send help. Fast and pray. Come before the lord for solutions.
little ministers who have not been tainted by the hirelings. They will rise up and begin to spread the word of God and be a band of true worshippers whom God will use for His Glory. Another crop of young worshippers and ministers of the gospel are about to arise out of the Philippines, Thailand.
souls in the Asian nations. Strongholds over that region are about to weaken and come down. The Lord is opening the doors to the Asian nations, but God is going to move His people strategically, so it is imperative that His people follow His instructions in this season and listen for and to His voice at every juncture.
These Prophecies given are for 2023 onward. God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals. Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9. Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3). He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).
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