Awakening, Arising and Alignment.
We are in a time of completion and new beginnings, new birth and the manifestation of promises and fulfillment of visions. The Body of Christ has become complacent and God is urging us to rise and push back, because the enemy wants to set an ambush on the Body of Christ. The time has come to unite and we cannot afford to focus on self. A time of Kingdom alignment starting with the aligning of the family – which is the first line of government. When the family is properly aligned the other two governments – church and civil – will be aligned. The enemies are coming together to advance their global agenda through gender agenda door. Unity and spiritual warfare must be to the next level. God is calling His people to get back to their First Love! There are too many messages on doctrine – promoting man and putting Jesus on the back burner. IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS. It was Jesus who died for the Church. In everything we do, Jesus and the Holy Spirit must be at the center. It is time for the children to rise (Joel 2: 28). God is pouring out of His Spirit! As the children rise we will see restitution, restoration, debt cancellation, grace, mercy and compassion.
There is going to be global shaking in the political arena, as many continue to ignore God’s voice and His way of doing things. We need to pray that President Trump will obey God and do His will to help the poor and weak and to establish His Kingdom within the earth.
If he does not obey then he will suffer defeat. He must be careful of his advisors. God wants him to rebuild the spiritual walls that have been torn down, not focus on the natural walls. He needs to call an amnesty and empower the poor.
Other Prophetic Words
1. We need to pray for Paula White and her ministry, because the enemy wants to bring her down.
Pray also for:
Trinidad and its police force.
European Union
2. There are many carrying out secular reform while ignoring the importance of and need for religious reform. (2 Kings 18: 4)
3. As in the days of old many refuse to listen to Jeremiah. God told Jeremiah to announce Jerusalem’s coming destruction by invaders from the north because they had forsaken the Lord and broke their covenant with Him – worshipping Baal. (Jeremiah 2: 8 – 9; Jeremiah 19: 4 – 5) So God is calling back His people to rebuild the altar, renew their covenant with God and they will see change. Many did not listen to Jeremiah, but the Word came to pass. Remember 2 Chronicles 35: 25, where Josiah the king who died suddenly.
1. Jamaica’s crime problem has to do with getting power, maintaining power, and greed. Passing natural laws to deal with spiritual laws that were broken in the past – not just by politicians, but also by the business sector and dons – will not fix the nation’s problems. What it will do – if there is not Divine intervention – it may give way to the return of 1938 and possibly prominent people may perish. If that happens then we might see the emerging of new leaders coming to the forefront in the various sectors, giving way to a new Jamaica; or a change of colors for a season still trying to find solutions. The politicians have over the years been warned about what they ought to do, by uniting all sectors for the benefit of the nation and have a time of atonement to ask for forgiveness for the wrongs that have been done by both parties in the past which caused cracks to the foundation of the nation. However no side is willing to heed or take it seriously. If an elected official used ‘blood money’ to get elected – regardless of the party – what do you think the harvest will be? Let us pray that each and everyone will wake up before it is too late. I just can’t seem to get this song out of my head lately. “Forward, forever united. Students, workers and farmers…” Let us remember the words of our National Anthem and our National Pledge and see whether or not we take it seriously or if it guides our actions as a nation.
2. The JLP’s tenure may be very short because they have ignored God’s voice to call the nation in prayer and fasting, and to carry out instructions to lessen the oppression within the nation.
3. “Woe unto the false prophets of Baal! I will destroy your meeting place,” says the Lord.
4. The watchmen in Jamaica are sleeping! Arise! Arise out of your slumber and travail for the land. Weep for the nation! Blow the trumpet and keep silent no more,” says the Spirit of the Living God!
5. There are going to be riots breaking out in certain parts of Jamaica, and this will bring the leaders to their knees because of continuous disobedience and rebellion over many years.
Something is about to happen worldwide that will wake up the Body of Christ and cause a united move in the right direction.
“Many true prophets of God are about to be persecuted as the prophet Jeremiah was persecuted. Are you ready for change that is coming? Who is on the Lord’s side?” The Lord is speaking more in this very hour. “Who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying,” says the Lord. For God is about to break the backs of all nation leaders because He is about to manifest in ways we have not seen before, and it will pass on from one generation to the next.
Members of the Body of Christ need to renew their minds and guard their hearts daily with the Word of God and be holy for God is holy!
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