The Prophetic Word of the Lord – FRESH OIL!

The Prophetic Word of the Lord




By: Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston


Psalm 92: 10


“But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.”


We are in a season where fresh oil is being poured out, hence the word Fresh Oil or Yitshar will be at the forefront of our minds.  We will begin to understand that the anointing is different from the gift.  The anointing is what destroys the yoke (Isaiah 10: 27).  Each time God is about to bless His people, He pours out fresh oil, new wine and grain! Furthermore, Numbers 18: 12 says,


“All the best of the oil, all the best of the new wine and the grain, their firstfruits which they offer to the Lord, I have given them to you.”


So God will give us the best.


In addition to all this, we will not only be blessed on a personal level, but we will begin to see the emergence of the real church.   Jesus Christ will again be the center of the Church and not man.   It is not about man or man’s wisdom.  New desires will begin to emerge for the harvest – new lifestyle, new zeal and the Gospel – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John will begin to be preached again.  People have become tired of the ‘microwave doctrines’, so evangelism will again be the order of the day and real prayer will be back again in our churches and schools.  There will be a hunger and thirst for Biblical Principles and Biblical Economics and a hunger for the supernatural; and we will see it in politics, government and business, and will bring stability to nations.  Those who fail to embrace this Fresh Oil being poured out will suffer defeat.  The superstar moments are finished as the Lord is opening the eyes of the people.


So prayer, fasting, feeding the poor and the manifestation of God’s presence in the marketplace will be the new normal.  A desire for holiness and righteousness will be stirred among the people – while a new prophetic voice will emerge, not focusing on material things, but one which will speak for the poor the fatherless, the widow and the oppressed according to Proverbs 31: 8 – 9 which says,


“Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.”


They will challenge the Babylonian systems and the injustices of the day.  Many of God’s servants who have become weary and fatigued will be recharged, rejuvenated and restored, because of the fresh oil and the new provision that is coming.  True laborers will come in as this is the cry of the true leaders!  Cast your net again for a supernatural catch.   Follow every instruction in this season and be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Mass physical and emotional healing will take place as fresh oil is poured out, and nations who adopt the principles of God will be abundantly blessed.


This is the season to sow/give.  Click on the DONATE button.  Help us to transform lives and share fresh oil this season.  See our work locally and overseas as you visit the pages of our website.

