THE WORD OF THE LORD – Signs of the Times Everywhere Part 1



Signs of the Times Everywhere


Part 1


By: Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston


Daniel 12: 4 says: “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”


We are seeing the fulfillment of the Books of Daniel and Revelation right before our eyes.  Revelation 13: 16 – 17 says: ”He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”


As we watch global news daily from politics to wars to immigration issues and the racial divide, the enemy has been using all this as a major distraction so that we don’t pay attention to the laws being passed by different nations faster than we can blink.  So many are not aware of what these laws are or even mean for each and all of us.  We have seen major changes in the banking and remittance services.  Most banks no longer take cash.  These days we are faced with the decision of identifying ourselves through either voice or face recognition.  So passwords are becoming obsolete.  Airports are utilizing those technologies also, particularly for the international flights.  We are seeing rapid growth in the use of robots and other means of Artificial Intelligence or A.I.   In fact, television commercials sensitizing every viewer on the uses and benefits of A.I. are shown daily.

Other countries are rapidly improving and increasing their identification systems.  Organizations are rapidly linking departments together on the premise of security.


I believe very shortly, there will be chaos in the Social Security system.


Politically right now there is a very thin line dividing political parties and it is just a matter of who will advance the anti-Christ system more quickly.  One party loves red skin potatoes and the other loves Idaho potatoes.  At the end of the day a potato is a potato.


People who get benefits from the government will be at the greatest disadvantage.  For them to get benefits, they will have to agree to be guinea pigs.  Furthermore, everything will be focused on digital and cyber technology and it will become commonplace in society and in our language.


Please recognize that the anti-Christ is not omnipresent or sovereign, hence only through the technological revolution can he control the minds of the people.


Today, your vehicle, house, appliances, security system, home entertainment systems, phones and hand-held devices are all connected and some of the laws that have been put in place dictate that you don’t have to be told or to give permission for those behind the technology to access your information (public or private).



Population Control


We are about to see the greatest move with regard to controlling the population nationally and globally, as many nations are now fearful of other nations becoming numerically and racially superior to theirs.  So we will begin to see global immigration laws change to facilitate that.  Even the denial of citizenship regardless of birth and dependent on the paternal citizenship.  Border control systems, security fences, and electronic monitoring will be the order of the day; and hospitals, remittance services will be pressured.  The poor will suffer and we will begin to see Genesis 11 again, when nations, leaders want to build a government without God.


God specifically spoke in Genesis 9 says “…“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.”  It has always been God’s will and desire for man to travel throughout the earth freely, not to be restricted, limited or prevented from fulfilling His instructions.


While the choices politically will be poor, people will still need to make a choice.


Countries that try to advance certain anti-Christ laws upon the people before God’s appointed time, their economies, particularly tourism, farming and travel industries, will crash.


No nation can build without God or try to advance any system before God’s timing, and it is critical for advisors to begin advising leaders responsibly, recognizing that they are accountable from all angles.  They must know Times and Seasons.




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