5784 / 2024 – The Year of Open Doors and Creation!

Given through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Pastor Dr. Michelle Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet O. Jolly, Prophet David Benoit.

2023/5783 was the year of manifestation of the Mimschach Anointing. It was also the year we saw Jesus manifest as The Shepherd. However, in 5784 (2024) we will see Jesus manifest as the King of Kings! (Psalm 24). It is critical for us to watch the words Dominion, Reign, Shaking In The Earth, God’s hands will be heavy on the earthly kings. We will see the manifestation of the Josephs and the Daniels. There is a shift in the way politics is done. Those who will rule will not be afraid to bow their knees to the King of kings in order to deal with the challenges that lie ahead. It will also be the year of judgment, signs, and seasons. The four horsemen and the four winds will blow in the four corners of the earth. There are four elements of nature – wind, fire, water, and earth and four disasters to watch. Ezekiel 14: 21 reminds us, “For thus says the Lord God: “How much more it shall be when I send My four [a]severe judgments on Jerusalem—the sword and famine and wild beasts and pestilence—to cut off man and beast from it?” (See also Ezekiel 7: 2)

We will see the peoples – nations tribes and tongues will be impacted in 2024. Hence, we need the four gospels. It will be the year of the rainbow as God’s Covenant will be established. It is also the Year of Suddenly; many things will take place without warning.

While we prepare, we must be rapture-ready!

A lot of surprises are coming, and things will happen that we have never seen before! A suddenly will hit the world and the Church (Body of Christ). There are people within the Body of Christ who are not consistent, especially regarding their lifestyles – many are not living according to the Biblical principles that God has laid down for His people through His Word. Things are going to happen that will take them by surprise and this will cause them to lose their way. God is calling everyone to consecrate themselves daily and wait on Him. There are some Christians who are not serving the Lord truthfully and faithfully from their hearts. The Spirit of the Lord says, “Live Holy Now!”
God is calling everyone to obedience NOW! “It is a watching and praying time and this needs to happen daily, says God!” The Spirit of the Lord needs His people to be obedient to their leaders who live holy as unto Him. Many watchmen are sleeping spiritually and naturally, and God is saying, “Repent and consecrate yourselves before Him!” “Be very watchful, for the hour is drawing closer to My Return!”

There will be more disturbing news worldwide of popular church leaders getting into trouble because of illegal money practices. God is calling all Christians to refocus and come back to their True Love, and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. No more playing around. He is watching and knows the intent of the hearts and the minds.

2024/5784 – The Year of True Worship and The Uncommon

The number 24 – the number of hours in a day; the number of carats in pure gold; the number of letters in the Greek alphabet – is associated with the priesthood, and to some extent symbolizes God’s power and authority. Additionally, it symbolizes a perfect foundation, except in a higher form. 24 is also connected with the worship of God especially at Jerusalem’s temple.

In 2024, there is a level of true worship that will come forth amidst the noise of the world and the despite the various uprisings and other things that will be taking place as the year unfolds.

True worship opens the doors to the Presence of God in uncommon ways and facilitates the creation of the uncommon in the earth – uncommon ideas, uncommon solutions, uncommon experiences, uncommon mindsets, uncommon service and uncommon servants of God with the potential to accomplish uncommon successes and experience uncommon victories. There is also an uncommon sound being released and only those who truly stay in the Presence of God will hear it clearly and those who hear will experience its uncommon effects.

The true worship that will rise will not only be in the form of adoration of God in the temple, but it will come forth in the new songs that will be written and released. It will come forth with their obedience to Biblical Principles in the Tithing and giving of Offerings financially and otherwise unto God. The true worship will come forth as they passionately live and function by the principles of God found in His word. It will come forth in how those true worshippers seek to honor the True and Living God Almighty.

2024/5784 – The Year of God’s Undeniable Visibility

The Power of God and the Kingship of Jesus Christ will become undeniably more visible by the Power of the Holy Ghost, as others try to suppress it. Those who serve the Lord and stand for truth and justice and speak for the voiceless must continue Also, there are some who will go back to their old ways- the old way of thinking, the old way of operating, sinking in because they cannot see beyond their current state and have shifted their focus from the things of God, the work of God and the Word of God.

Biblically, King David divided those responsible for temple music, as well as those who served as priests and the Levites who aided them, into 24 courses (1Chronicles 23 – 24). A new sound is being released, not the sound for the ears, but the sound in the Spirit and it will bring healing, deliverance and restoration where needed.

Music and the Entertainment industries are about to take a serious turn. What has been brewing in both secular and Christian music will be shaken and only those who remain faithful to God in their songwriting, playing, singing and ministry of their gifts/talents will experience the Presence of God to new heights so that God be glorified in all areas of their lives and ministries. Furthermore, the Levitical anointing will go to another level upon such ones. There will be a clamoring for what God will use them to produce in the music industry. This is necessary for the saving of the souls that have been hindered from receiving the truth of and in Christ.

On the physical level, the grace for being multilingual will increase and those who are willing will find themselves easily grasping new languages; and spiritually, as that happens, the anointing for interpretation of tongues will also be increasingly poured out and those who willingly receive with the will to glorify God with this gift will experience the Presence of God like never before having experiences they never imagined; and the sky is the limit for those who will boldly embrace it all.

2024/5784 – The Year of Christ’s Rule and Another Shift

This is the year that more and more eyes will open in 2024/5784 to see some of the deceptions to which they have yielded, but more importantly, to see the Might and Majesty of God and bring the submission of heart needed. Additionally, those that the enemy sought to curse will in fact be bountifully blessed 3 times greater instead.

Furthermore, Psalm 72 lists 24 things that Jesus Christ, as High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, will do during 2024/5784 and beyond.

i. He will righteously judge the people.
ii. He will judge, with justice, the poor and needy.
iii. Peace will be brought by the mountains.
iv. Small hills shall also experience peace.
v. He shall judge the poor.
vi. He shall save the children of the needy.
vii. Those who oppress will be crushed.
viii. He shall rule like rain upon grass.
ix. He shall rule like the water that showers the globe.
x. He will cause the righteous to flourish.
xi. He will bring the righteous an abundance of peace.
xii. He shall rule from sea to sea.
xiii. He shall rule from the river unto the ends of the earth.
xiv. When he hears the needy cry out, he will deliver him.
xv. The poor and those who have no help will also be delivered.
xvi. Those who are needy and weak will receive compassion.
xvii. The lives of those in need will be saved.
xviii. The needy who are oppressed and experience violence will be
xix. The blood of those in need will be precious in His sight.
xx. He will cause an abundance of grain on the earth.
xxi. He will bring an abundance of fruit.
xxii. He will make those of the city flourish like grass.
xxiii. He will make His name to be continued.
xxiv. He will bless all men.

There has been a significant shift in the earth and the West and East are about to experience what they never anticipated. But those who stay in the Presence of the Lord will be afforded the wisdom of God and insight that can only be given by Him to the faithful ones. The Lord is about to cause those who have neglected the poor, the fatherless and the widow to experience what they have been meting out to those they oppressed; but He is also going to watch the oppressed to see how they will handle the turning of the tide.

2024/5784 – The Year That God Will Reshape Mindsets

We will see the shakings in Law, Politics, Religion and Business that some will try to deny; and will not want to acknowledge as God’s hand at work dealing with their iniquities. Throughout nations, doors will be opening as the long heard voices will be taken in different ways and the next generation of voices will become louder. God is again shaping mindsets and the Mantle is falling so Elisha must be in position to receive. Those focused on the age, gender and vital statistics of Elisha rather than the Fruit of the Spirit and Who Elisha serves, may miss what God is doing in the earth.

2024/5784 – The Year of The Door

2024/5784 is the year we will see John 10: 7 & 9 at work, manifesting in the lives of those who choose The Door. Christ is speaking to the Body of Christ and to those who have not yet accepted Him to rule in their hearts and lives. As Christ Speaks to the Church – the Body of Christ, He sends a reminder to His sheep to remember that He without at doubt the only Door that His sheep must come through if they are to walk in true success, true wealth and absolute victory in all circumstances. Without that, their businesses, ideas and everything they put their hands to will be limited. They will not receive the full extent of His wisdom, counsel and protection. They will also run the risk of exposing themselves and those to whom they are connected to the attacks of the enemy.

To those who have rejected Him or who have not yet received His kingship in their lives remain unprotected and will not be able to find what they truly need to survive – in business, leadership, politics and in the Church, and it will become increasingly difficult to function in the various facets of the society. Economies will be affected and nations will become even more suspicious of each other; so will lawmakers and others in positions of influence. The enemy is at the ready to cause confusion in your going out and coming in so that you do not “find pasture.”

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Ultimately, the generational shift and generational split has already begun and is underway. Work while it is day!