5784 / 2024 – The Year of Open Doors and Creation!

Given through Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Pastor Dr. Michelle Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet David Benoit


25. The Spirit of the Lord says the entertainment industry is about to go through major shifts for both the secular and gospel. Pray for the Gospel music industry as God is about to deal with the Gospel music lineages that have turned into stars pulling people to themselves rather than to God so that He be glorified. He wants them to come back to their first love. The Spirit of the Lord needs Gospel Singer and Song writer Kirk Franklin to set his house in order. He is also raising up new ministers of music whom He desires to remain holy, faithful and true to him.

26. Pray for the Hollywood community, and particularly the producers and directors. The spirit of depression and suicide is very heavy among them. Pray for Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Jim Carey and Jackie Chan.

27. Talk Show hosts are about to have their own set of experiences in 2024. Some will be moved of the scene.

28. He is also going to walk through the K-Pop, and Asian acting communities for the saving of their souls and the millions they are leading in the wrong direction. Another shift is about to take place.

29. God is about to hold the Christians in the acting community accountable for what He allowed them to enter and change. Pray for new film and production companies to come forth, willing to reach the world with God’s Truth.

30. The Lord is going to walk through the sports industry. Every sport will be affected, and many players, coaches and administrators will experience the hand of the Lord on their lives.

The Church

31. A new day is dawning, and we are on the verge of a significant new move of God that will take place suddenly. Doors are being flung open and God has positioned many of His people to step through and move forward; and many shall. Major voices have left the scene in the Body of Christ and new voices will come forth. The Body of Christ must discern and must listen to the voice of God as they stay in His Presence. Indeed many significant voices have been promoted, and amidst the noise of the sons of the prophets, the voices of the Elishas will come forth; from out of the lions’ dens, Daniel and his voice are coming out and Deborah will rise up.

32. This 2024/5784 is the year to take up your bed and walk in every step God has ordered for your life. This is the year to push aside all the things that easily beset us, rise up in boldness and do what God has called us to do in accordance with His will for our lives. He will watch to see if we will fall back into the old ways and old mindset or if we will listen to His commands and execute His will despite our own opinions. He is allowing those who have not experienced the wars and fights of the forefathers of our faith to experience the fights in this era because He wants to teach our hands to make war that we can bend the bow of bronze. He will allow the

33. In 2024/5784 men and women will see greater signs in the east coast representing the coming of the LORD. One of which I saw was the color amber illuminating the skies.

34. 2024/5784 is also the year we will see what has been shifted in the nations and in the Body of Christ. The clear line of demarcation will become visible and the eyes of the Lord will be watching to see how we approach each matter that comes before us and how we will respond, because it is the year of suddenlies and significant changes. It has already begun. Furthermore, the generation of those who diligently seek Him (God) are about to come to the fore and they want the true and unadulterated word of God. They are uncommon and passionate and there are many who don’t and won’t understand them and will feel threatened by them, but they will be relentless and determined to succeed

35. The Lord is purging the Church and is dealing with the lying spirits, and the spirits of manipulation, Jezebel, idolatry, and will expose the wolves in sheep’s clothing, murdering Cain, Achan, Absalom, Korah, and Ananias and Saphira. As the Body of Christ cries out, He will also deal with the spirit of Leviathan. He requires that His people walk in Holiness and Righteousness and for them to know that His Coming is near!

36. God is sending a whirlwind to blow away everything that is not of Him including wrong doctrine.

37. “My people, this is the time of endurance. Lean heavily on me and my word and you will endure. This is the time you must Endure and Pursue! Pursue My Will! Pursue Me! I will pursue the enemy!” The Lord says many will want to give up. You will encounter challenges but stand, because the end of the road is coming for the enemy. “There are some pretending to be mine, but their time of exposure is coming.”

38. Many have ignored the warnings given in previous times, and some of His people are still standing on middle ground. Some are pretending to be mine. A great shaking will take place before the end of 2024 and masks will be removed.

39. The hearts of men have grown colder and have hardened – almost void of compassion, and God is about to deal with these hearts. Soon there will be a distinct divide between light and darkness among the people.

40. The Visionaries saw the hearts of many during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. Reconnection is coming, but it is not so much to bond persons together, but rather to expose the hearts of many for the Body of Christ to get back to basics and grow.

41. I saw in the spirit as it were a monument fallen from the white house, just as it had in 1 Samuel 5: 4 where the idol Dagon had fallen and broken before the ark of the covenant. The incident also hit the news media.

42. In places where Christians were banned and could not worship openly will come to a change where there will be worship, encouragement, and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ preached because of the sound of Christ return that draws nearer.

43. There is a blackout that’s going to take place with the potential to bring the nation to its knees. We must fast and pray as there will be a heavy crime rate. pray to cover our children, families, friends, businesses, jobs, hospitals, schools, government agencies and buildings, and more.

44. Many more exposures will take place– not only in the body of Christ but throughout the secular world as well. Watch out for Columbia, Pakistan, and India. Great favor and blessings will proceed unto those who volunteer their time to aid them in trouble.

45. God will be reaching out to thousands at a time. Not hundreds as it was before but now thousands throughout the world in miracles, signs, wonders, in ministry, the Gospel, and the Word of God. The church must be ready to take on the new tasks He the LORD provides. Because He can use just one man, to reach a thousand but 2 ten thousand.

46. The Spirit of the Lord says He needs financial institutions to begin to cater from the poor with bad credit. To be genuine to His people to own assets legally, assisting them to protect their homes, presenting them with genuine paperwork. Helping them to upgrade their status, jobs and setting up

47. The Fivefold Ministry worldwide is about to experience battles and challenges they have not experienced in previous times. God will protect those in position and rightly aligned with Him. The enemy of souls is specifically focused on attacking Apostles and Prophets, but as they stand in Him and as the Body of Christ obeys and executes the instructions of the Lord, they will experience the goodness and Glory of God.

48. Pray that the Lord will raise up and anoint the Hazaels, Jehus, and spirit of Elisha across the world to deal with the spiritual strong holds in the earth. Evangelize! Evangelize! Evangelize!

49. God is watching the Christians and will hold accountable, the Daniels, Esthers and Josephs He positioned for His Glory. He is observing their choices, decisions and hearts. He is watching His people closely in this critical time, searching hearts and revealing Himself and His might to those who genuinely seek Him rather than His hand.

50. The promises of God are about to be released, but only those who have genuinely served Him and made themselves completely available to Him will experience the fullness of this experience. Only on those will He display His goodness and kindness for others.

These prophecies given are for 2024 onward. God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals. Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9. Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3). He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).