Our entertainers are very important to us. Many of them are guarded by agents and they become unreachable. 2014 will be a critical year for the entertainment industry. There will be a shaking. God wants to use some of these entertainers to answer the call for which they are created.
The purpose of releasing these words is to enlighten and encourage them and we hope that they will see it an d receive it.
John Holt
You need to surrender your life to the Lord now, because the devil wants to take you out. The Lord says He has called you to preach His word. The Lord says He has new songs awaiting you so that you can minister to many to bring healing and deliverance. The hand of God is upon you and you cannot hide or escape your destiny in the Lord. The enemy wants to attack you with a serious illness so you need to stop smoking and drinking. The Lord says you love to focus on reading the Psalms, but the Lord says you need ot read and study the books of Johna and Revelation – especially Revelations 13 – 16 and 18 – 22.
Miley Cyrus
The Spirit of the Lord says the Body of Christ needs to pray for her because she is very angry, lonely and has too much hate and may turn in an unexpected direction. They Lord says she is also on suicide watch. She needs to be reached urgently because the devil wants to anoint her as his queen and then kill her – the devil is hunting for new blood. The Lord says she has many young people to reach urgently for Him. She is an Evangelist who should be traveling to remote areas within countries to minister to many sick children – children who are abandoned and families with no shelter. He wants her to make donations to these people everywhere she goes. As it stands now, many of her fans are moving away from her, because they are now saying she is a poor example for the youth. Her parents and relatives didn’t expect what they now see. The Lord says that they introduced her to many things that were not His desire for her. Miley is seriously hurting. The Lord says He loves her very much and He wants to bring restoration to her now!
Regina Belle
The Lord says He has blessed you with so many talents and gifts and you should be preaching His word. He wants you to go deeper in Him, because there is a special anointing on your life to win many to Christ. The Lord has blessed you with revelation knowledge and interpretation of dreams and visions. The Lord says you have been over many hurdles, and there are certain things about your childhood that you have not expressed. There are some persons within the Church where your husband pastors, who don’t like you, nor do they want to see you present at the church. The Lord says you discern these things and it makes you feel unappreciated. You have books to write that will bring deliverance and healing.
Aretha Franklin
The Lord wants you to host a gospel concert for children with disabilities and those with Autism. He wants you to make a huge donation to them. He wants you to focus on going on missions to South America within the Caribbean, Europe and the African continent to minister to the people through songs and with the Word of God. He wants you to do some Seminars that will involve teenagers and adults – teaching the importance of love in action. The Lord wants you to assist in the construction of low income houses for families who cannot afford your childhood and into your adult life. The Teaching Anointing is upon you and you have the gift of prophecy and you need to speak as the lord instructs you to bring Him glory.
Mariah Carey
The Lord says you need to surrender your life to Him now. He says He has blessed you with wealth and has shielded you from much harm and danger. You have issues of unforgiveness that God wants to deal with now. He wants you and your entire family to be saved. Your daughter has a Prophetic calling on her life; and your son is a Psalmist, Prayer Warrior and a Preacher. The Lord says your children need to be taught the Word of God, especially about Jesus Christ and His work while He was here on earth. The Lord wants to mend some wounds in your husband that he has pretended for years do not bother him. The Lord says you are both living a ‘fairytale’ lifestyle, and you must both wake up to what is real and identify deceptions. You both need to be a part of a good, Bible-based Church that believes everything about the Bible and does not compromise the Word; one that believes in Holy living, deliverance, and allows the Holy Spirit to have full access. It is imperative for you to reconcile with your sister, because the Lord wants to use this as an example to the world at large. You both need much counseling and deliverance. You and your family need to be taught about Tithing and Fasting.
Usher Raymond
The Lord says you need to settle down and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior because the devil is seeking to devour you in this season. There are many traps set out there for you by women who are just after your money. You must be careful who you eat from and stop consuming alcohol. You are in a season where you need to discern much because there are many who pretend to be your friends, but are instead more jealous of you. The spirits of lust, rejection, unforgiveness and anger attack you daily. The Lord says He is knocking on the door of your heart and He needs you to write clean lyrics, because He wants to use you to reach adolescents! The Lord does not want you to be engaged in too many musical tours right now.
Lauryn Hill
The Lord says you have a Prophetic calling on your life and you are also a Psalmist. All your children are called to ministry! The Lord says you have a lot of hurt – rejection and unforgiveness of which you must let go! The Lord has revealed some things that have been the source of great pain for you and you have never been healed of them emotionally. The Lord says that He has given you many talents that He wants to use in this end time. There are many hindering spirits from which you need to be loosed. You will go through a season of much purging until He gets you to where He wants you to be. You are at a crossroads and you need to make a decision now!
Eric Donaldson
The Lord says this is urgent an SOS call for you to surrender your life to Jesus Christ before if it’s too late. The Lord says He has been merciful to you and you know the truth. It is time to act upon it now. You have received many awards, but it is time to preach the Word of God. There are some persons God is going to move away from you because they are a bad influence on you.
Phil Collins
There is an urgent call on your life now! There is a great deal the Lord wants to do with and through you. You have an Apostolic calling on your life and the Lord wants you to use your gifts and talents to rescue many young people that are perishing. God wants to give you new revelations to write songs that will bring healing and victory. Time is running out; it is time for you to answer the call!
(Received from the Lord September 24, 2013)