Gage Skidmore 
Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake speaking at the 2016 San Diego Comic Con International, for “Trolls”, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.



Through Prophetess Doris Hutchinson, Apostle Steve Lyston, Prophetess Michelle Lyston, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton and Prophet O. Onesto Jolly.(Judges 9) There will be much betrayal and there will be a major stir, locally and globally. Particularly in Leadership/Politics – murders and other evils will take place, all for political power. The spirit Abimelech will rise, the spirit of Anti-Christ will rise. We will see the elect of the bramble rule. A lot of false leader will be elected in 2019. Himself, will allow a lot of evil spirit among many leaders because of their wickedness, (Judges 9: 2). There will be a lot of false leaders in different sectors and areas.

  1. (Judges 9) There will be much betrayal and there will be a major stir, locally and globally. Particularly in Leadership/Politics – murders and other evils will take place, all for political power. The spirit Abimelech will rise, the spirit of Anti-Christ will rise. We will see the elect of the bramble rule. A lot of false leader will be elected in 2019. Himself, will allow a lot of evil spirit among many leaders because of their wickedness, (Judges 9: 2). There will be a lot of false leaders in different sectors and areas.
  2. New leaders, secular and spiritual, will emerge. Samuel and David type of leadership will begin to arise. God is looking for leaders to rise up in 2019, after His own heart. For man look on the outward, but God look on the heart. Worry not, Saul is dead. God, also, will restore leaders, that has once failed – as Mephibosheths (2 Samuel 9), Mephibosheth.
  3. There are some countries that are seeking God secretly for help, and God will send help for them.
  4. The Spirit of the Lord is going to shake down the economy of the US, JA, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, China, Libya, Costa Rica, Trinidad & Tobago, The US Virgin Islands.
  5. The Lord is not finished with the State of California. The Lord is calling the people within this state to turn to Him Now for He loves them, for the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. (John 10: 10)
  6. There needs to be more systems in place for the poor that will affect a wider cross-section because more people are losing their homes and only some are benefitting. The Spirit of the Lord is weeping for the poor and there are testing times coming for more of the rich. Every Nation’s Government need to put better systems in place to assist hurricane victims who lose their homes, vehicles, and loved ones.
  7. Major terrorist attack brewing in India. Also, the Lord says that there is a new breed of terrorists being “groomed” in the Middle East that are cruder, more defiant and even more manipulative, and they are willing to shift from one gender to the next.
  8. The New Mexican President has accumulated lots of enemies because of his leadership style. Many of their citizens will run to other countries for refuge. This present Government will be targeted because of fraud and murder. There will be riots into the streets-burning of tires, cars, vans and some buildings and there are planned assassinations. The Lord is about to expose all the Politicians in the Mexican House both representing left and right.
  9. The Vatican (Pope) is urging one of Israel’s enemies to sign a peace treaty with them – and if that takes place, then it is time to look up because it would be the sign of the times.
  10. Nigeria will be under siege. Pray for them, and pray for the Prime Minister of France, particularly for their advisors and the covenants that they have established which will cause serious attacks.  Pray that they will change their direction and philosophy.
  11. The Christian Alliance for the African countries need to increase their fasting and prayer for solutions, and wisdom regarding how to fight un-Godly influences in the African nations in the government and from other developed countries that will pressure them to make un-Godly Covenant and cause oppression.
  12. Global leaders must be careful of the source behind their advisors. Many of them, because of the advice they are receiving, will bring chaos (including Jamaica and the Caribbean Islands.  They have refuse to listen to God’s holy Apostles and Prophets.  God does nothing without revealing it to His servants. Amos 3: 7)


  1. There will be shaking, weeping, wailing, perplexity, remorse coming for those who reject God and His Word. Many will be confused and in awe.  Many have blasphemed and it will be too late for them; and for them mercy is gone and judgement has come!  God is calling everyone to go home and find a place or make an altar and cry out for what is coming upon the earth. There is a great emerging of false prophets, there will be duplication of miracles and great deception and great infiltration will take place in the Church.  The deception will be great in this end time.  (2 Timothy 3: 8)
  2. Natural disasters for India, Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, Dominica Republic, North America, South America, Sierra Leone, Egypt, and Japan.
  3. More disasters will break out globally. Hailstones will fall from the sky.  History will change its course only those who understand God’s ways will understand His doings.  But in it all there will be greater collaboration and great healing will take place.  More disasters will be taking place.  Sand will be piling up in some parts of the world and this will cause water to be directed to different places which did not have water before, as a sign.
  4. More dangerous laws have been formulated and are coming to put God’s people in bondage, but God will break them up.   Some will come under the heading of Climate Change and Gender Matters.
  5. More fires will take place within the USA, because the treatment and the cry of the poor treatment have gone up to the Lord. God is reminding the rich that He is God.  Pray also against biological warfare that may take place and affect many.
  6. A time is coming where no country will be able to help the other – because of the vast number of disasters that will be taking place. Scientists will have great problems trying to understanding the atmospheric conditions that will be affecting the earth.
  7. We should pray over all liquid substances that we consume before we ingest them. There are things that are put in them that are not good for our health all because of greed.  The Lord says that we must take care of our bodies because incurable diseases are on the rise of which many are not aware.
  8. Many are sick in their bodies and the doctors cannot find the issue. When it is revealed it will be too late.  These conditions come as a result of sinful acts and it will be difficult to find physical cures to deal with these spiritual problems.  Pray against a global flu epidemic and against the spirit of infirmity.  Pray against the oppressive spirit that is going to attack every nation.
  9. Millions of fish will continue to die on a global level and contamination will increase. Also, be careful of the animals with which you mingle – even pets.
  10. Serious Climatic and cosmic problems will take place. Many lives shall be lost in 2019 and many diseases will break out that will not only affect the livestock but the inhabitants of the ocean. The damage and massive losses within the agricultural sector will be great and create serious hardships.  Many crops will dry up and die, livestock will die. We will see floods and rains in some places and much of the produce will be destroyed; while in others, because of the drought that will happen, we will see famine.  There will be major food shortage globally. We will see thunder, hail, fire, lightning and the signs of times will break out.  Even some cities, countries, and towns will no longer exist.  For those within the occult, the hands of God will be upon them heavily including those worshipping Baal, Isis, Osiris – the ones they believe are the gods of life, health, and fertility.  Unless they repent, they will experience the manifestation of judgement at the hand of Most High God Who is the Supreme Being – the One Who rules over all the elements.  Many farmers will want to give up and walk away from farming because of the challenges.  Food shortages especially with fruits and vegetables.
  11. Those with massive investments in the agricultural industry will suffer great losses as a result of the disasters and it will cause a massive shortage in food including, peanuts, potatoes and other vegetables. This will cause a major famine throughout the world.  But, the Lord says, “If My people who are called by my name will cry out, then I will show mercy, and My people will be fed during the famine.  As they obey Me, worship Me and give their Tithe, they will be protected.”  Pray for all places where oil is found and all places where the drilling is taking place, as there will be many disasters.  Most of them will crash and workers will be running frantically.  It will cause an oil shortage and increase the prices significantly.
  12. A great disruption of the earth has begun, for my words shall not return to me void, but shall accomplish what it was sent to do. (Isaiah 55: 10 – 11)  (Revelation 9) We will see locust, plague, and death. All eyes will be on Europe, Israel, the Middle East, Italy.  Also we will see boils, skin diseases, and plagues will break out. (Exodus 9:9)
  13. Due to outbreak of global sickness, we will see a shortage of pain medication. More disease will also break out in 2019. Medical crisis. URGENT: The Lord says His people shall read Revelation 9. Many nations will turn to God. It will be a kingdom move in 2019. Rumors of War. Study the names of Abaddon and Apollyon. There is going to be a lot of torment and plague. But the Lord said, for His people who are called by His name, as you obey God’s will, God instruction, pay your tithes, and faithful in His house, you will be provided for, sayeth the Lord.
  14. The hands of the Lord shall be heavy upon those who worship the Sun god, the universe. There shall be a separation of light and darkness. Light and darkness cannot coexist. We will see the manifestation of the 9 plagues begin to impact the earth – climatically/cosmically, and darkness shall manifest within 2019, unless people repent.
  15. There are even far more natural disasters including fires, tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes coming for certain states such as New Mexico, Kentucky, California, Georgia, Tallahassee Florida, Utah, Illinois, Alabama, Hawaii and San Francisco. Global warming has had a great effect on these kind of disasters going into various places they have never been before.
  16. The citizens of Montserrat need to find new homes into other countries because of the major volcanic eruptions ahead.
  17. There must now be great preparation happening now for storing up on food supplies of every kind, cases of water, juices, candles, blankets, towels, diapers (baby and adults) and items for babies. It is also time for reaching out to others (particularly the homeless) with some of these supplies because the disasters that are coming will last for more than two days in some places (states and nations) – lasting effects that will be spoken of for years to come.  These disasters come to remind us Who The True and Living GOD is and who we are (we are nothing without HIM).  The Lord will use these climatic changes (there will be signs in diverse places) to get our attention so that we obey His voice, repent and turn away from evil because He has so much that is good and pure to offer us.


  1. As social, print and mainstream media giants continue to censor Christian principles, God will raise up new players within media who will dominate the marketplace and favor will begin to shift. Many of the media giants will begin to merge or go bankrupt.
  2. Companies that give grants to support abortion and gender issues and come against the patriarch-led families will experience a downturn in their organization and suffer losses unless they changed directions, such companies will no longer exist and go out of business. Even long-standing organizations.
  3. If businesses and investors will not seek God for guidance regarding business and investing and understanding the times and season many will be blown out of the water. Many CEOs will lose their jobs as a result of lack of solutions.  Furthermore, the following businesses/business people will face serious financial challenges – Bloomingdales, Lord & Taylor, Vera Wang, Kohl’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, Amazon, and Digicel; but Bed, Bath and Beyond will experience God’s favor.
  4. Unless the leadership styles of many leaders global change, and unless they seek God and listen to the people, many will be swept out of office and lose power. Major shift in the global economy and many will go broke and become bankrupt.
  5. The Town of Tain in Scotland will see an upsurge within their economy. Watch China in 2019 there are schemes to directly affect the US market in unexpected ways.
  6. Britain shall see a change within their economy (boost) because of the great shifts that have been occurring within the Royal Family.
  7. The next two years there will be a paradigm shift within the UN, EU, NATO and the Security Council. This will create major changes for the world for the next ten years in ways that may catch the Church off-guard if it does not prepare and listen to the voice of God. We must pray that God’s will be superimposed in every area.  Additionally, Great Britain’s departure from the EU is temporary.  Britain will be forced to make new alliances with the same countries for political and economic reasons.
  8. The economy of Venezuela needs urgent help because there are many tourist who have become more fearful due to increase drug trafficking, murder and kidnappings.
  9. The US Government has plans to withdraw and stop the delivery of benefits to the poor, and are not doing anything more to help them concerning jobs that will pay well. As they do so, so shall God’s Favor be withdrawn from them and many of the decision-makers and influencers will suffer defeat.
  10. The minimum wage needs to increase to $20 per/hr. Many people working have not been able to pay their rent/mortgage as a result of their low salaries.  People have been and are being evicted at record levels and are forced to go to shelters, but the shelters are not enough for the influx of families; disaster is imminent without the change.  All 50 states of the USA need to agree to this, especially for the benefit of the nation’s children.
  11. Monies need to be used to build houses for the poor because the birth rate has been increasing within all Nations, and the Lord is saying that the citizens need to be valued more because without the citizen’s votes, where would the Nations’ Governments be.
  12. The financial economic situation in India, Pakistan, Yemen, Indonesia, Croatia, USA (Kentucky) and Jamaica are going to take huge turns. The stock market and other investment schemes will crash, especially Bitcoin investments. Anything that is done not in God’s foundation will come to naught.
  13. The economy is ever changing and it is going to take a direction that most people expect. It will be shaken and there will be a small window for the poor to act. It will be a time to invest into certain stocks and bonds because for the next twenty years, they will be beneficial not only for the Kingdom of God, but personally as well. “For the Kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent takes it by force.” (Matthew 11:12).  This will be a crucial time for the Body of Christ to grab hold of what is coming.
  14. So many people all over the world, especially the poor students (young and old) who have taken out loans for tertiary education, for business, home, health[health insurance that does not cover certain kinds of operations), debt consolidation (rent arrears, credit card debts, mortgage arrears) need Loan Forgiveness. Just as there is Asylum for certain immigrants (aliens), there should be an avenue for Debt Cancellation. This should not be manipulated for the Rich who may have $30 billion homes going into debt, but for the ones who are destitute (most times cashless). Once people are truly not able to repay their loans, loan forgiveness should be granted. There comes a season in someone’s life that the Lord will allow such an individual to increase in every area of life and they will extend mercy where it is truly needed, “For whatever a man sows, so shall he reap.” If they have Loan Forgiveness, then the Lord will have mercy on some companies.  Otherwise, we will see many banks crashing and there may be a return to the Great Depression.


  1. We are about to see the zeal return to the local Church and revival within Europe, Latin Nations and the Caribbean. “Anointed men and women will be travelling to and fro to hear My words – here comes the end.” Pray for Mexico – God will raise up the churches like never before. There is a gate open for the Church to rise like never before. There will be a mighty revival in the Spanish/Latin countries including Mexico.
  2. It is the end time and changes are happening rapidly. Many will be shocked to see some of the words that I have spoken come to pass.  In 2019, even many of the critics will confess that I am God.  The attacks against Christians will be on the increase.  The tribulation in many of the countries of the East against Christians will cause the Christians of the West realize that it is indeed the end time.  It is the time for accountability.  The Lord says, “Woe to the Shepherds of the West that have led My sheep astray!”  God is cleaning up.  A mighty change is coming and it will start in the Church, because God will purge the Church in 2019 so that holiness be restored among His people.  Many of the true churches are going through purging and many of the false shepherds will be exposed.  The exposure will be so big that it will cause the masses to attack the Body of Christ.  But the Lord says, “Hold fast to your faith and trust Me, for when the shaking starts many who do not yet know Me, will cry out for the Lord,”
  3. The Lord says The Church must be awake for the times and seasons ahead are perilous. Laws will be now put in place directly affecting the Church and its freedom and flexibility to preach the undiluted Gospel of Jesus Christ across the world. Every Christian across every nation will be affected and will face the choice of whether to follow man’s laws or God’s Commandments.
  4. Pray for TBN as trouble looms.
  5. The Spirit of the Lord says there is too much talk regarding “church hurt”. Many have not gathered together with others in church and ministry but have instead chosen to stay home.  The Lord says they must repent, receive healing and get back into the assembly.  Remember 1 Corinthians 14: 33, “For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”  Also remember Hebrews 10: 24 – 25, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”  The Lord says many of His people have been hurt because they did not allow Him to process them.
  6. Bishops and Pastors, do not enter into any (spiritually) unlawful covenants. Stewardship! God shall deal with the stewardship of individuals. What one sows, so shall one reap in 2019.  We will see the manifestation of Revelation 13 and Revelation 17 in the earth.  A lot of generals in the body of Christ, that they have served God well, will be called home.
  7. God is calling on the Kingdom people to begin to do the things He has instructed them quickly as the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. God shall honor the covenant He has established with us and our off-spring.  (Genesis 9:9)
  8. As in Amos 9 the Lord is going to have the Praise and Worship that He deserves and He will restore what has fallen so that His praises come from the heart of His people. “The time of division is at hand.  I shall separate My people which are called by My name.  They shall rejoice and be blessed.  Many that have lost My love, but through My faithful ones they will be restored.”
  9. He is about to go through churches. Those who are not living according to His will and in obedience will be separated. “Many have subtly robbed My people.  But I am with the poor in heart and substance, I will be their God and provide.  There is going to be a change.  With the wind of change on the rise, the doors will be opened for many of the true Shepherds and churches to move forward.  There will be an influx of persons seeking God.  Many workers of the Gospel will be needed to bring healing to the wounds that have been created by the enemy.  Even governments will be reaching out to find true men and women of God and God’s true Prophets.  The stone that the builder rejected will become the chief cornerstone.  There will be a turnaround in late 2019 for the churches and shepherds that were suffering.
  10. There are swords are wielding and the Lord says He is going to cleanse the nations, “…Because they mocked My words which are life. Many are building private places to hide, but they cannot hide. But great provision is made for My people as they humble themselves.”
  11. There will be great deception. (Joshua 9) The deception is that leaders have spoken one thing and have done the opposite and have engaged in corruption and have hurt my people. The church must be careful of unholy alliance which will be a part of the deception to infiltrate God’s people. May will come under disguise, God is calling His people to seek Him before forming any alliances in 2019. Many will say they are coming from afar, but the enemy is near. God is calling the body of Christ not to trust in their own strength, but to pray for greater discernment as the deception will be great. Do not trust in your own wisdom.  Seek the Lord in 2019 because the deception will be great towards the body of Christ. But pray for greater discernment, big things and small things, for the spirit of Delilah and Jezebel will reign in 2019. Know no man by the flesh, but after the spirit. Deception will be great, not only the body of Christ, but politically and the civil society. Many great men will fall in 2019 away in deception. Be careful of all covenant, contracts, and alliances, even some that will promise get rich quick.
  12. 2019 is a time to build, a time to build God temple. Secular leaders who uphold God principle, and who doesn’t bow to the system of the Anti-Christ, those who stick to values and attitudes, the Lord said he shall bless them. (1 King 9; 2 Chronicles 9). The leaders who have been building nation, and coming against the things of God, many shall crumble in 2019.
  13. Remember the 9th hour of prayer my people, (Acts 3:1, Acts 10:30, James 5:15). Because of the unfaithful, to God’s house, the neglect of building God’s house, neglect on giving, focus on self, while the poor, fatherless, and widow suffer, have hindered to receive the blessing of God. Unless they repent or put God first who is the secret of both spiritual and material prosperity. Unless they repent and turn many shall suffer in 2019. But those that are faithful, who follow His principle will never put to shame, they shall walk in abundance in 2019.
  14. We will see manifestation of the Holy Spirit as never been seen within the Earth. Fire by day and cloud by night. God is calling His people to seek Him deeper within the Holy Spirit. How to lead the flock and He is calling his people to seek Him for both the small things and the big things because of the great deception that lies ahead.
  15. For the Holy Spirit shall lift a standard in 2019, and God his calling his people for a separation of the clean from the un-clean. Only churches that are in alignment, (Deuteronomy 9), with the Holy Spirit will receive the inheritance. And God is calling His people in repentance, intercession, and to cry out for mercy. The changing of the guard in both the church and secular. We will also see the manifestation of the Beatitudes. (Matthew 9:3-11)
  16. Widows will be blessed in 2019. There is going to be great persecution on the body of Christ, but God asks them to stand. Many false witness will rise, many prodigal will return. Also we will see the spirit of ingratitude, (Luke 17:17, Matt 18:12). The pouring out of the gift of interpretation of tongue.
  17. The Spirit of the Lord says many Christians have not yet recognized what time it is because they focusing on everything concerning themselves, instead of reaching out to the lost (poor in spirit, and the poor people who are without food, shelter, jobs, and finance). Reaching out to the poor and destitute in a genuine way is what touches the heart of God. There are so many Christians whom God has blessed with financial favor, but they are only concerned about themselves. The Lord is not pleased because we are burden bearers and we represent the King of kings WHO is LOVE and steadfast in HIS mercy towards us.  The Lord is reminding us that when we give to the poor, when lend to Him.
  18. There is a deeper place in God that He needs His people to experience each day, especially now, for He is about to pour out more of Himself to those who are still hungry for HIM. The Spirit of the Lord says there are too many friendly fires within the Body of Christ because everyone is not on the same page-not going in the same direction (some have allowed the spirits of jezebel, pride, gossiping, lies, anger, unforgiveness and rebellion to overtake them), hence they begin to cause more problems. The Spirit of the Lord says time is running out and He needs everyone to be aligned before His Coming!
  19. Beware of distractions, deceptions, especially from false prophets. The Spirit of the Lord is calling His people to discern, fast and pray, worship, and read His Word more in this season. Stay in His Presence.


  1. Many VIP secular movie stars, VIP leaders, they shall be saved in 2019. They shall be a great catch. (Matthew 9: 9) The church must get ready for the big catch. Get ready, because some of the rich and famous will be walking away from their current way of thinking and will be seeking God like never before. God is going to bring change to a prominent person in the camp of the enemy and their change will cause others to recognize the power of God.  Furthermore, regarding the Church of Scientology where much of Hollywood acting community attends, there will be many riots.

North American Personalities

  1. Queen Latifah (Actress, Singer, Songwriter) – The Spirit of the Lord says the enemy wants to attack her health – unless she gives her life to the Lord. Pray for her health and salvation. It is time for some reflection concerning her lifestyle. The Spirit of the Lord has been speaking to her and she knows that she has to change and is worried what others will say. Queen Latifah needs healing and deliverance urgently.  She is called to be a pastor, but needs to receive salvation now.
  2. Justin Timberlake (Singer, Actor, Entrepreneur) – The Spirit of the Lord says he has a lot of favor on his life, but needs to be guided in the right direction both spiritually and naturally. He needs genuine people around him. The enemy has been attacking his marriage, family and finance. The Lord wants to get their attention, and he has to be willing to listen to sound advice. He wants to save his family and lead them to a good Bible-based church.
  3. Mark Harmon (Actor NCIS) – Pray for his security, protection and well-being.
  4. Justin Bieber (Singer) – Pray for his total deliverance and that he will not crumble under the pressure.
  5. Omarosa – The Spirit of the Lord says she needs to surrender totally to the Lord now. She needs to forgive and allow the Lord to deal with the matter because this may cost her marriage.
  6. The Lord is calling the Latin Christian Music community into accountability. He called them out to make a difference and reach the neglected souls for Him.  The Youth are dying spiritually and He has opened doors through music, ministry and missions, but many have used it to win fans and fame.  Many have conformed and have not been transformed, their minds are not renewed, and they are not allowing Him to use them as He desires.  They have been granted doors of access to nations but they are not focused on souls.  The Lord says He called them out to be different but they have instead embraced the way of the world.  They are not seeking Him as they should to know what He wants them to do individually and collectively.  The Lord is about to raise up a new set of Christian authors/writers, songwriters, singers who think outside the box and are not afraid to look beyond the world concept of how things are usually done or presented, and step out onto the world stage with the new ideas and concepts the Lord will release to them.  These are not looking for fans, they are determined to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and fulfill their purpose.  They are coming from the proverbial “backside of the desert.”
  7. A boldness is going to be upon the Youth and in many concerts/music shows, both Christian and Secular – they are going to demand more of the artistes because they will become weary of the routine. Their lives have gone unchanged and they are no longer interested in the usual experience.  They too will be crying out for something different, something uncommon.  It is the Lord’s doing because He has lifted the standard.

Latin American Personalities

  1. Alex Zurdo – Pray against attacks the enemy wants to launch against his marriage and family. The enemy also wants to execute a plan to distract and to shift your focus from what God has planned for you.    The Lord is going to allow some friends to shift from around you, but it is so that He can take you to where He needs you to be for Him.   The Lord is about to reveal some truths and he must stand and ask the Lord to increase discernment of spirits within him.
  2. Redimi2 (Willy Gonzalez) – Discerning needs to increase as the enemy has plans to turn him onto a different path than the Lord desires. The messages in his songs are about to change and the Lord says stand true to His Word.
  3. Bad Bunny – God is going to allow everything around him to shake and finally get his attention, because He is chosen and there is a generation of youth that God wants to use him to reach for Him and for His glory.


  1. The West Indies Cricket Team needs urgent intervention because some of their team players have not been happy with the running of the team. There needs to be one-on-one sessions with each player listening to each views/opinions and collectively. The managers and coaches need to employ some of these suggestions – they will bring great change, hence a win-win situation.
  2. At the next Olympics in 2020, Kenya and Sudan will be rewarded with medals more gold than bronze. The USA will have dominance in the next Olympics, but a few of their athletes will be tested positive for steroids.  Britain, Trinidad & Tobago, Russia, China, Botswana will also do well.
  3. There are too many athletes who are being seriously injured from American Football and the Lord says this game has to be phased out. There are disappointing scores that the USA, Belize, Costa Rica, Brazil, Croatia and Uruguay will receive for the coming World Cup a Soccer 2022.  England and Pakistan will be competing against each other in the One Day Test Cricket Matches, but there is going to be something significant about this match.

The Prophecies given are for 2018 onward.  God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals.  Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9.  Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6).  He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).