Volunteering brings wealth transfer



Many people today are crying out for jobs and for changes in the nation. We all want economic change in the nation.

With the various issues now affecting the nation and its economy, volunteering is one of the things that can help to uplift our nation and bring change. Money is not all and volunteering at every level is one way of conquering greed.

Greed is one of the main causes of the nation’s current circumstances!

There is a great deal of wealth within the nation, much of which has come about as a result of the upheld principles and work of our fathers and forefathers! But the wealth is not being transferred today.

Seek balance

Wealth is more than money! Wealth includes resources, substance, estate, fortune, property, knowledge, wisdom and riches (money).

A person should not seek after riches only, because that does not bring balance; and a lack of balance does not give way to full and proper transfer. Every millionaire or billionaire will tell you that at some point in their lives, they volunteered for long periods in time before they rose to that status.

Many have died without passing on their wealth of knowledge and the benefit of their skills to the upcoming generation and this has created a vacuum in the society. Further to this, the upcoming generation has not sought to learn from the older ones with experience and wisdom.

In fact, many have been cultured to go their own way and disregard or disrespect what comes from the older generation.

What Jamaica needs now is not young versus old, but a wealth transfer – from one generation to the next!

In II Kings 4: 8, there was a wealthy woman who had much substance – but she still had a need that her money could not buy! But by volunteering – feeding the man of God, taking care of certain of his basic needs – shelter, food and such amenities, without asking for pay – a transfer took place.

He, in return, prayed unto God for her area of need to be filled (she had no son and her husband was old). As a result of her actions, the family lineage continued and their wealth maintained.

Solution: Volunteer!

A joint effort between the Government and the private sector to have a volunteer work experience program for individuals who have the qualifications but do not have the work experience. The company would give only a stipend and lunch or lunch money and the government would give a tax write-off for it. As a result, both organisation and government benefit.

Businesses and organisations would also count this voluntary work as part of the individuals’ work experience when considering them for employment locally and overseas.

People who have available rooms can volunteer also by allowing university students, particularly from the rural areas to live with them. As a result, what they would spend for boarding, can go towards their tuition fees.

The volunteer would be investing in the life of another – possibly the next doctor, lawyer, teacher or nation leader – and ultimately be a benefit to that volunteer later on in life. Remember, MONEY IS NOT ALL!

Individuals need to find the retirees – teachers, nurses, musicians, police personnel, lawyers, doctors, politicians, sports persons, pastors, and other areas of interest and service – and do something for them! Cut their grass, clean their homes, get them some groceries, pay for their medication (if any), help their children; for many of them the pension is not enough to sustain them; and don’t forget the interest rates affect their pension.

When people do these things, there is a wealth transfer that takes place. The grace and blessings on their lives are passed on to you.

College and university students, teachers, musicians and persons involved in the arts can go into various communities and teach the people for free, how to do various things – write résumés, protocol, music, how to read and write and various skills – free of charge! By doing this, they too are investing in the lives of others that can ultimately benefit them and undoubtedly the nation.

read more. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20110110/business/business1.html