On Saturday, August 26, 2017 the Lord spoke and said that the globe and the Church should study and prepare for the Vortex! A Vortex is “a mass of fluid (such as a liquid) with a whirling or circular motion that tends to form a cavity or vacuum in the center of the circle and to draw toward this cavity or vacuum bodies subject to its action; (especially whirlpool/tornado/whirlwind, cyclone, black-hole, swirl and so on).

There are many instances spiritually where scripture mentions the whirlwind which is in fact a kind of vortex.

Jeremiah 25: 32 says, “Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Behold, disaster shall go forth From nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the farthest parts of the earth.”

Jeremiah 30: 23 also says, “Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord Goes forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind; it will fall violently on the head of the wicked” and,

Ezekiel 1: 4 tells us “Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire.”

There are many other instances even in 2 Kings 2, where we see that suddenly a chariot of fire came and the Prophet Elijah was caught up in a whirlwind which signifies many things including:

• A generational shift
• The emerging of the Elijah company
• Spiritual and Physical Promotion
• Transfer of Mantles and
• Wealth Transfer to the faithful generation


Job 37: 9 says: “From the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind, and cold from the scattering winds of the north.”

We need to look at 2 things:

• Continents within the North and South
• States within the north and south in the USA


North South

North America South America
Canada Lower Africa
Upper Africa Australia
Europe Antarctica

Interestingly the ice is melting rapidly in Antarctica which means water levels are rising.

The following are those states in the USA that are deemed to be the Nothern and Southern States according to Britannica.com which cites this as the basis on which the states are referred to as Northern and Southern States, “The North, region, northern United States, historically identified as the free states that opposed slavery and the Confederacy during the American Civil War.”

North South

North Dakota West Virginia
South Dakota Maryland
Nebraska Texas
Minnesota Delaware
Iowa Virginia
Wisconsin Florida
Indiana Kentucky
Michigan Oklahoma
Ohio Arkansas
Pennsylvania Louisiana
New York Mississippi
Vermont Alabama
New Hampshire Tennessee
Massachusetts Georgia
Connecticut North Carolina
Rhode Island South Carolina
New Jersey

The Vortex is the reason there is such a divide right now within the United States because many unresolved and deep-seated issues still remain and they are resurfacing now because God is going to deal with it. But we have to know that it can only be dealt with spiritually.

So we are going to see similar significant stirrings in the political, civil, business, religious, spiritual, and financial arenas. We have to pray for an awakening and a revival because that is the only way healing can take place.


The Vortex in the Justice System

Job 38:1
Job 40: 6
Psalm 58: 8 – 10

There will be a cleansing in the Justice System, particularly among judges. Justice is symbolically pictured as a balance of scales weighing Justice impartially to bring peace. However, the earthly judges have repeatedly tipped the scales to cause or insight violence, and now the Chief Judge – the Most High of the Highest Supreme Court is about to hold earthly judges accountable for their actions in the justice system.


The Vortex in the Business and Financial Sectors

Psalm 77: 18 – 20
Proverbs 1: 27
Proverbs 10: 25
Isaiah 21: 1
Isaiah 17: 1 – 4
Isaiah 40: 23 – 24


There will be a shaking in business – distress and anguish. Creditors and international lenders, the Tax Department, Communications, Pharmaceuticals, Banks and Healthcare will experience great shaking so that the poor will be able to rise.

There will be judgement on the Gaming Control Board and some lobby groups as well as those Non-profit that say they are there to help the poor but are simply extracting from both ends of the spectrum for themselves.

The kind of shaking that is coming, no man will be able to have control over what will be going on. No one can stop it.
The Atmospheric Vortex

We will continue to see flooding and other disasters occurring. But while it may be disaster for some it will be great blessings for others and opportunities will be created. Sometimes, jobs are created, new sources of energy found, inventions are realized in the midst of the greatest disasters.

We have seen many of the poor experience foreclosure on their homes. They were never given a chance to save their homes. The vortex that is emerging will bring a switch where the rich will be the ones losing their properties. It will be blessing for the poor and judgement on the unjust. This will also bring many back to the Lord and bring many nations to Him.


Vortex in the Body of Christ

A whirlwind will blow which will separate the false from the true – a purging of the hirelings, wolves, false teachers, false shepherds, money changers and merchandizers from the Church; and a moving out of those who pull people to themselves rather than leading them to Christ and Truth to prepare His people for the rapture. This vortex will also cause many to see the supernatural unfold. For example, a vortex transported Philip from one place to the other. Acts 8: 39 – 40 says, “Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus. And passing through, he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea.”

See also:

I Kings 18: 12
2 Kings 2: 11 – 12
John 6: 21
Genesis 5: 24

Furthermore, among the true ones, there will be promotion at and to all levels and of all kinds.

God is the one allowing the stir through the vortex to bring out His will and purpose. Things that were buried will be uprooted and exposed.

While the enemy can cause a vortex also, as we see in the book of Exodus between Moses and Pharaoh, let us rise up as servants of God, that God’s true will and purpose will be accomplished in the earth, so that hearts will be changed and souls will be saved. Leaders – religious and political will walk in proper alignment so that communities will be transformed and there will be equality in distribution of resources, and in the education system to allow opportunities for ALL. The leaders will have Godly motives not their motives.

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