Many times in the business arena and in the Church, leadership will get frustrated, and companies and churches struggle at times because they are unable to service those within. Until you identify who you are called to and where your greatest support lies, who supports your business/church you will not move forward.

Luke 4: 18 – 19, says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,To proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” My calling is to the poor in spirit, poor in finance, to set the captives free and to bring healing to the brokenhearted and recovery of sight to those who are blind spiritually and physically. So if you are a prostitute, if you messed up, if you are a misfit, if you are rejected, or if you are a sinner or you are unrighteous – WELCOME!

I am not called to righteous people, nor religious people, nor to those who have already arrived. Paul was called to the Gentiles so God gave him the grace to deal with the Gentiles. He was set apart (Romans 1: 1 – 7) Many leaders – whether business or church – are spending too much time focusing on the wrong areas. Some even get disheartened and discouraged when certain people within the society don’t accept them. You will not be accepted by everyone in the society it is not Scriptural. The Pharisees did not accept Him and neither did His own city/town.

When God gives you an assignment, keep going, keep doing good! Give hope to people! Stop moping and groping and focusing on those who criticize you nor accept you. Do an analysis and see who your biggest supporters are and focus on them; those who genuinely help you. Who are your biggest clients? Who always supports your work no matter what? Those who are called to you will follow you. Recognize that you are not called to everybody. Companies fall when they change their mandate.

I once worked with a very large company that was doing very well and when they began to change their focus and mandate, that is when the company started to shake and it has not been the same since. Acknowledge and embrace your difference and run with it. Many churches are diverting from the mandate – even transforming to attract a certain set of people; or doing things which are not Scriptural. Now the many churches are becoming a laughing stock. Jesus did not try to fit in at all. Stick to your mandate despite the challenges. Know your clientele know your sheep.

Many times the poor are more appreciative of the work you do and the sacrifices made and they need your difference. Many Pastors today say they are called to the rich, but the rich don’t truly need God until they become poor.