Given to Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Pastor Nadra Brotherton, Pastor Sophia DiMuccio, Apostle Steve Lyston – July 8, 2016
  1. Look out for disaster in Asia – Many lives will be lost
  2. The enemy is targeting Texas and New York
  3. Secret Implementation of plans are being done in the Caribbean
  4. Areas of peace throughout the USA will have great disturbances. The enemy lurking beneath is about to rise.
  5. Governments will get attack from within… the inner chambers. Secrecy and Betrayal is on the rise.
  6. A sifting is taking place in the Body of Christ. The enemy is out for WAR!   Break the  strongholds and bind the strong man with the Blood of Jesus.
  7. The Kingdom should teach on the blood and how it affects the heart.  Look and study the word INNER” . e.g. the inner man, the inner chamber, inner peace, the inner parts… focus on those hidden parts.  The word that the enemy has a part of his plan now is Inner.  So the people of God need to deal with the Inner.  All of the Inner is connected to the Heart.

2 Corinthians 4:16
Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.
1 Samuel 16:7
But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
Psalm 51:6
Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, And in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.
Romans 7:22-23
For I delight in the law of God after the inward man/Heart: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
Psalms 51:6
Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.
Pray for the US Army as tension is brewing regarding gender issues and identity as well racism.  There is a plan also that because of the division within the USA, there is a plan to deplete Law and Order, not only in the Force but in other areas.  Because of this division the enemy will use this as a foothold to carry out their plans.
A number of celebrities are about to go bankrupt – even before September 2016, and God will use it to get their attention.
The Lord says there will be much exposure with many companies globally regarding their business practices and non-compliance with Tax Laws.
God is about to bring back many leaders who backslide and walk away – many generals in the Body of
Christ are coming back to life, because there are serious times ahead.
The World is about to see what paradigm shift means.  God is about to bring down many of the rich and powerful to get their attention.  God is about to raise up many of the African countries that have been sabotaged and undermined.
Smaller countries that seemed as if they were nothing are about to rise up in prosperity.  Many will marvel. God will bless them because they were true and remain so to Him.
The stone that the builders refused is about to become the Chief cornerstone.
God is about to raise up the rejected, and those that are regarded as nothing.  The remnant is about to rise!
The Josephs, Daniels and Nehemiahs are about to rise.  The best wine is left for last (as in the Book of John) for God said no flesh shall be glorified before Him.
Global Events
Disaster is about to happen in areas and states that have never happened before.  It shall baffle many scientists.  We shall see fires and floods in places and prominent buildings like never before and many shall know that it is a sign.
Pray for China, for they shall suffer many disasters.
Another wave of events is about to unfold upon the globe.  Many will realize when it is too late.  
Said the Lord, “A country does not have to legalize what I am doing for me to do it! Diseases are going to rise up against them!”
There is going to be a cry for world leaders to come together.  A well-known may be the instigator.  But God says that He will not allow it to happen because it is not yet time. (New World Order)
In light of all that is happening worldwide, the Lord wants His people to be more discerning of the level of evil currently taking place and pray like never before.
Some of the Democrats and Republicans will be coming together with a plan to defeat both parties from within, because they are fed up with what is happening.  You would be surprised.
God will raise up a group of Apostles and Prophets who will bring change and reformation.  They will not be afraid to speak ‘Thus saith the Lord!’
Watch the Bush’s and the Clintons.  Do not underestimate their power and influence.
There are subs underwater waiting to attack ships which carry food and other supplies globally for storage.
Pray for the continent of Africa.  Furthermore, there is a plan to going up another man-made disease to wipe out the poorer class in Africa, India, China, Haiti because of GREED!  It can hit those countries and scientists will make it appear to solve the problem when in fact they are making it worse.  A way of pulling money for research.  A connected, international organization wants to be rich at the expense of life.
Pray against another disease that will be attacking infants.  The wealthy want their riches to remain so they are determined to find a way to keep it.
50% of the World’s leaders are getting caught up in useless gender issues.
Other countries are going to pull out of the European Union (EU).  Jamaica must also be careful about pulling out of the Monarchy and CARICOM.