The prophetic utterances given by the Lord to Apostle Dr. Steve Lyston, Pastor Dr. Michelle Lyston, Bishop Dr. Doris Hutchinson, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophetess Nadra Brotherton, Prophet O. Onesta Jolly

  1. God says it is time for reset and restore. Even though the plans for man seem to be working.  God is getting ready to wipe some people and plans out.  Get ready in 2021 for exposure of more prominent figures.  A key person in the camp of those behind the COVID 19 Vaccine plan will die early in 2021. We will hear about the whistle blowing of more scientists and doctors.  There is chaos mounting up within the Croatian Government concerning the COVID-19 virus [vaccine and death tolls].  The trial of the vaccine will not cure the COVID-19 virus, only God is the cure. Also, many athletes will get sick because of the different diseases that are about to come.  The vaccine will not be the cure for them – only God. Loss of lives will increase more because of the vaccine, and this will be evident also among the elite of the elite.
  1. The earth itself is reshaping below the surface. There are more strange occurrences that will happen.  The earth is going to split open in some countries.  Since humanity is at war with the earth the earth itself will fight back.  Signs and Wonders are coming!
  1. There will be a massive revival in the churches. There will be a lot of shifts and shakes.  Many churches will have to fall in order for the true church of God to emerge from its ashes.
  1. More One World Order plans will come about in mid-2021. Some will be so blatant that many who were against the church and God’s people will start to pay attention and call upon the name of the Lord.  As men make plans to put in power their choices God is raising up behind the scenes his people.  We are about to see a shift from the Sauls to the Davids of this world.  This is God’s last mercy upon us because of the cry of the saints. 
  1. Test, test and more tests. The Body of Christ is in for more tests.  Who are the true believers of Christ?  As the world changes, many will fall away.  However, the 11th Hour workers will fill the churches as the work of God must go on.
  1. The Body of Christ will be persecuted greatly from those who are deceptive-lying tongues, and heresy, and this will be from other Christians who remain rebellious against the perfect will of GOD. Their mindset are still on last year, last month, two days ago and yesterday’s move of GOD. They will not move as GOD instructs them to move.
  1. There will be wars among the Muslims concerning their women and children because of certain changes that they have embraced/desire to embrace, which is the opposite to their religious practices.
  1. Wars will intensify between Islamic terrorists and Jews, Islamic terrorists and Christians. There is war among the countries from the NORTH for greater power.
  1. The newly elected U.S. Government will give Palestine statehood because of their dislike for Israel.
  1. The Spirit of the Lord says the mighty will be brought low and the poor will be risen up the Poorer Class of Society because there is a Paradigm Shift.
  1. The Lord is calling all of His True Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists to come together, seek His Face because He is ready to pour out and pour within them for this time for the strengthening of His Troops for this major war before His Coming.
  1. Many managers representing different sports club worldwide Cricket, Soccer, Basketball, Netball, Rugby, Football, Volleyball, Athletics, and Baseball will leave the sporting arena for other prosperous ventures. Some are still complaining about their salaries that their salaries not reaching a break-even point.
  1. There are coaches for several well-known teams worldwide who are about to be replaced by other trained coaches. A few of them will also retire.
  1. There will be confusion at the top levels of the Boston Celtics and the Golden State Warriors Teams. Their CEOs are undecided concerning a few contracts weighing the number of wins to the salaries that have been paid out monthly [to popular players who have gotten comfortable over the years, especially during the time of the pandemic].
  1. The Sports World cannot handle another shock wave that will put them out completely. Their only solution will be to have Christian Chaplains and the guidance of Biblical Principles.
  1. Pray for all secular musical artistes, for this is the season that the Lord will use to get their attention.


  1. The stock market is in trouble and all 13 stock exchanges in the USA will experience downward spiral.
  1. Many Banks will close its doors for in-person transactions for all transactions to be done on-line. This will open doors for more scamming – extraction from customer’s accounts, which will cause major problems. There is also great exposure is coming for BOA.
  1. Many hotels, especially the 5 Star ones will lose monies, fall into bankruptcy and close down.
  1. Hacking is on the rise and more fraudulent things will occur with IDs such as passports, State IDs, Work IDs, Other Government-Issued IDs, Mortgage Certificates.
  1. National Security, especially Security Intelligence needs to be on high alert at all times because there are certain enemies who are prepared and ready to strike because they are totally controlled by demonic controllers.
  1. There will be more demonstrations concerning Health Care (Health Insurance and improper uses of hygiene in certain health facilities), Racism and Classism.
  1. There will be wars among the new elect politicians because of the positions given to them. Some believe they should be given higher positions for these bring higher benefits, especially the upkeep of vehicles, more lavish lifestyles.
  1. Prices for homes, lands, and businesses will be significantly reduced because the car marts will continue to have huge losses – layoffs will continue, hence laying off workers because they are unable to pay.
  1. Black Lives Matter Demonstrations will increase because they will not receive what they were promised to them before the elections.
  1. China Town will lose lots of business than before when the pandemic soared. Many business owners will seek to open up on-line businesses, but there will be a crash because people will be robbed more of their monies from their debit/credit cards.
  1. Great deception arising from within the newly elected government. Pray also against death threats that are planned for the outgoing President and his family.
  1. The Spirit of the Lord needs the Prophets who have been advisors for the outgoing President to repent before Him God and gather the outgoing President and his family together and apologize for not teaching them that Prophecy comes with condition. They must invite President Trump and his family to surrender totally to God and let them know also that receiving salvation is the most important thing for them. That will be part of their victory! God can do anything, but He is waiting for these prophets and other prophets in the United States of America to follow through with 2 Chronicles 7: 14.
  1. There are certain laws that God wants to change within the United States of America because these laws have only benefited the Rich and have suppressed/oppressed the poor.
  1. There are numerous disagreements among member countries and rising chaos emerging from within the UN in the State of New York.


  1. Multiple landslides and flooding will occur even in places that were not usually prone to flooding.
  1. Pray against tsunami, God is about to destroy somethings in the State of California. The Fires in California will intensify, which will lead to more evacuations.
  1. It is recommended for everyone to stack pile canned foods, water, clothes detergent and other home supplies, masks, gloves, hand sanitizers and all-purpose cleaners in the event that we are not able to venture on the outside because of increment weather.
  1. Major challenges areairline coming because the hurricane season has not ceased, and shall intensify. There will be increasing reports of large hail stones falling in diverse places throughout the globe.
  1. There high levels of toxic waste that are being released into the ocean that has been killing the animals living under the sea.
  1. Great exposure is coming for all the Scientists who have been secretly doing things into the atmosphere to impact the climate to cause harm to mankind.
  1. There are those who want to disperse the virus in the poorer areas and increase the number of cases in order to support their argument to release their toxic “remedy” globally. They are also developing a preventative vaccine for the children and youth.
  1. Watch France! The French Prime Minister has a n announcement to make that will shock the French people and other neighboring countries.
  1. There is whistle-blowing from within TWH to enemies on the outside whom the President thinks is with him but they are not!
  1. Because of the competition between China and Russia regarding the Space program, there is going to be a literal explosion and lives will be lost.
  1. Many doctors will walk away from the hospitals and from the profession because more viruses and plagues are to come, and the mental stress of it, as well as the fact that they will be forced to engage in activities that could result in lawsuits and medical malpractice.
  1. Pray because based on what is to come we will need to focus on personal Greenhouse Farming.

These Prophecies given are for 2021 onward.  God can choose to hold His hand back from any form of judgement pending, subject to the repentance of nations and individuals.  Jonah 3: 5—10; Exodus 32: 14; Jeremiah 18: 7—11; Amos 7: 3—6; II Kings 20: 1—11 and I Corinthians 13: 9.  Please remember, God does whatever He pleases (Psalm 135: 6; Psalm 115: 3).  He changes Times and Seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings (Daniel 1: 20—23).