Based on past reports given by the World Health Organization (WHO), 3 million people die each year from the effects of air pollution alone. Furthermore, according to a WHO article, “According to Global Health Risks: Mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks indoor air pollution is responsible for 2.7% of the global burden of disease.”
With gold mining, nuclear waste, and contaminated ground water; coupled with uranium mining, acid rain and growing garbage heaps around the world, what will be the result when they all connect. Further to this, there have been numerous disasters in various parts of the globe, earthquakes, floods and oil spills and they are all affecting air, land and sea. Is the world really prepared for and outbreak? In addition to all this, add the nuclear weaponry testing that is taking place in certain parts of the world. Pollution affects the entire environment – air, land and sea.
Further to all this, while China is the world’s fastest growing economy, it has the highest annual incidence of premature deaths triggered by air pollution in the world, according to a new study. The WHO report estimates that diseases triggered by indoor and outdoor air pollution kill 656,000 Chinese citizens each year, and polluted drinking water kills another 95,600.
Air Quality Advisor at the WHO Regional Office for Europe says “Air pollution is estimated to cause approximately two million premature deaths worldwide per year.”
The Sea
Is marine life safe? The millions of life forms below the sea each have their function and provide a delicate balance necessary for every one of them to exist.
Is fish safe for human consumption? Most of the smaller nations don’t have the high technology equipment to test for poisonous substances in the fish they cash and some of the fishes caught go directly from the nets to the household tables!
Cancers and unknown illnesses are going to come from consumption of contaminated sea food. What about skin cancers and other skin related diseases. Furthermore, every person who enters the sea directly ingests some of its water. What about internal problems?
When man tries to circumvent God’s laws, even concerning nature, suffering increases and even the very grass will wither and die. Diseases that we have never seen before will arise and it is the responsibility of every leader to have a pollution-free environment.
The Land
The issues that arise concerning land will undoubtedly affect our drinking water, ground water and the entire agricultural sector. Our livestock will be affected and human life in general because we all live on land.
Further to this, if human beings consume the meat from livestock and they are infected because of the water they drink, human beings will contract the diseases as well, and it may even worsen in humans.
The Air
Polluted air will cause serious respiratory diseases, skin diseases, diseases affecting the eyes and ear infections. The lungs will be most affected by these problems.
All the nations need to come together and invest heavily in Environment-Friendly Activities because pollution will be the greatest threat ahead. There has to be monitoring and testing done in all countries to see what each nation’s greatest threat is and how to alleviate it.
There needs to be major national clean-ups globally and the First world nations must necessarily invest in smaller countries, because all nations are connected environmentally.
A major storage of vaccines, respiratory masks, respiratory medications, eye-drops and medication, sanitizes, water purification tablets and machinery and garbage collection receptacles must take place.
Garbage dumps need to be moved from urban areas.
More tanks need to be built to cultivate fresh fish in order to sustain good health.
There needs to be more solar powered cars or vehicles that use an alternative to petrol.
Give more training in schools at all levels – from primary to tertiary – on dealing with environmental issues and hazards.
Protect and secure the water catchment areas and tanks.
Most leaders are ignoring environmental problems for investment, but there needs to be a balance, otherwise, it will be useless to invest and not live to enjoy it!
More countries need to go green! We must go back to being GREEN!
More needs to be spent on the Public Health Sectors to monitor certain sectors.
Four main areas of concern must be addressed – the air, the water, the sea life and the bird life, before disease and death skyrockets. God gave us the world free from pollution and we need to fix and maintain it as far as possible.