
It is always a pleasure to write and encourage the Youth!
However, I have realized over the years as a servant of God, that many young people have been misled on the topic of being a millionaire; especially from the very Church itself.

Many prophets will also prophesy that a person will be a millionaire; and many get excited and jump and make bad decisions,and they don’t address the Youth on the cost of being a millionaire.

When a Prophetic Word is given, even in a time and season when God wants to bless His people, if they are no infrastructure put in place to let it come to fruition, then it will not happen. For example, when Joseph told the Pharaoh that there would be 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine, if Joseph was not anointed with the Governmental Anointing and the wisdom to formulate strategic plans, then even God’s people would suffer and an entire nation would be wiped out. There is more to the Prophetic than releasing a Word.

So To Be A Millionaire

1. The Youth must align themselves under true Apostolic mentorship who will mentor them in the path.
2. Remember, you can only get true wealth in two ways – Inheritance or Labor/Work for it!
3. Seek the Lord for a Vision/Plan. Then God will release to you witty inventions, where you are to invest (Pay attention to your dreams because He is speaking through them in this season)
4. Document your plans. Seek legal advice to copyright or patent your plan.
5. Be careful who you share your plans/visions with
6. Start a business. Seek God in prayer as to who your business partners should be. Wrong partnership will abort your plans.
7. Volunteer your time. Let them know you are willing work for free for a period and learn all you can. Serve anointed men and women of God who have the business anointing or successful organizations. This is an impartation that will help you understand the path of a millionaire.
8. If you are given an opportunity, never watch the rate of pay. You could be the next CEO!
9. Young men, if you want to maintain your millionaire status, marry a virtuous woman! In the same way that Isaac married Rebecca and Ruth married Boaz. If you marry the wrong person you will be broke quickly.
10. Always seek the Lord for Him to teach you about Times and Seasons, the Investment types.
11. Your motives must always be right. You must be a kingdom person. Help other ministries. Help the poor. When God blesses you, it’s not about you, it’s about blessing others.
12. Ask God to help you to know how to distribute your wealth. Let no one prophesy you out of your wealth! Many are now broke because of prophetic words they received on how to distribute their wealth which ultimately leaves them bitter.
13. Help families in need and other young people not only in your country but in other countries. (Psalm 41) There are blessings for giving to the less fortunate.
14. Always honor God with your Firstfruit if you want to maintain your millions; and PAY YOUR TITHES! (Proverbs 3: 9 – 10; Malachi 3: 8 – 12)
15. Walk in humility and prepare to have restless nights in order to maintain your wealth. Ask God to give you grace to endure losses, hardships and betrayal.
16. Don’t jump on the bandwagon of every product presented to you. Seek the Lord for their origin and what they are doing with the proceeds. But most importantly, seek the Lord to see if HE wants you to be a part of that venture. Many Christians are building up organizations by way of their support when the proceeds and profits are going to support the fight against Christianity.
17. Get rich quick schemes are not part of God’s desire to bless His people. By His own principles, He builds each person up so that they will be able to maintain the blessings that He desires to release to them.
18. Always remember to choose your associates wisely. The fact that persons are Christians, does not mean that they are the ones God wants you to associate with on a business level.
19. Remember, Money makes friends! Money changes friends. Money makes enemies. When it comes to money, very few have mercy. Money in the hands of a fool or an unprocessed person is dangerous! (That is why Christ is so rampant)
20. Always study, Deuteronomy 29: 29. Farming is always a good investment. Technology, Food, Water, art, culture, things from the sea and being in God’s presence are always good investments.